Making time and space for self-care enables you to nurture yourself and gives you the energy you need to care for your children with more presence. Use foot baths for special story times with your child. Make a foot bath for yourself and your child and enjoy a nourishing experience while reading a story to […]
Children live in a world where they have little control over what happens each day and it’s up to us, as parents, to guide their daily activities and experiences. For us, we may find it boring to do the same thing every day but for our children, predictability is essential. When each day is predictable, it allows […]
The Five Golden Keys -Towards an embracing developing life with small children under seven years of age by Helle Heckmann Following is a description taken from the back cover of the book ‘The Five Golden Keys – Towards an embracing developing life with small children under seven years of age’ – by Helle Heckmann. Below, […]
by Chinyelu Kunz There is much unrest and fear in our world which causes anxiety and nervousness. Young children feel this deeply and are the receivers of this vibration. I wrote this story as a healing balm for young children because they are caught in the middle of the fear, anxiety, and nervousness and they […]
One mid-summer’s day, ten little fairies danced in a ring of stones under the wise, old elder tree when suddenly, Dahlia smelled smoke. Her pet hawk, Jupiter swooped in to help as the fairy queen told all the animals how they could help alert their forest and field friends. Everyone jumps into action including Dahlia.
A very touching story about friends helping each other in a moment of need.
Season 7 Parenting wakes us up, sometimes in jarring ways especially when we begin to be more aware of our actions and behavior. In fact, it can sometimes be a surprise to us. It can be frustrating, scary, confusing, and leave us feeling helpless. When we become conscious of our behavior, our words, and actions […]
season 7 Young children thrive in the ordinary, to them it’s reliable, predictable and feels safe. There’s less anxiety, less overwhelm, less to be nervous about especially when the ordinary is nourished by a healthy rhythm. It can be hard to slow down, be present and fully embrace ordinary moments and ordinary days. How you […]
season 7 Why do rhythmical meals work? And What are the benefits? It’s no surprise that young children do best when life is consistent and dependable. They feel safe when life happens in the same way over and over and even in the same order. They want daily life to be reliable and this is […]
season 6 It’s Seasonal Thursday and I’m so excited to have you here today. Welcome to the We Nurture Podcast with me, your host, Chinyelu. Today, I’ll be talking about the benefits of creating a summer seasonal table for you and your child. Waldorf Education calls it a nature table and it is all about […]
Season 6 Welcome to a new episode of the We Nurture Podcast! Today is Mindful Monday, and I will be discussing why giving a child a timeout doesn’t work. Timeouts, which are ineffective and punitive, never serve their intended purpose. While delving deep into the topic, I explain why we need to change our perception […]
season 6 Did you know that when your child plays with a toy, they actually build a relationship with the toy and the material that the toy is made from can affect how they play with the toy. It’s important when we are intentional about the kinds of toys or play materials that we give […]
Season 6 In this Q & A Friday Episode, I’ll be talking about Self-Care for Stressed Parents. This question was asked on our instagram poll when we asked parents to submit their questions for Q & A Friday on the podcast. It received a lot of votes which made it the clear choice for this […]
season 6 Welcome to another inspiring edition of Blossoming Tuesday on the We Nurture Podcast. Today, I talk about how to nurture your child’s ability to self-regulate. I highlight three stages of learning – supporting self-regulation, co-regulating, and achieving self-regulation that, when nurtured, builds your child’s ability to regulate. You’ll come to understand what role your […]
season 6 “Gardening isn’t just an activity that we do. In so many ways, it shows us the essence of the cycles of life, from the seed to the aging, dying plant.” Today on Seasonal Thursday, I’ll be talking about the Waldorf Education-inspired approach to gardening with young children. Once again, I will invite you […]
season 6 Welcome to another exciting edition of Mindful Monday on the We Nurture Podcast! In this episode, I’ll be talking about the importance of letting children know that there is goodness in the world. Life is hard, so children need to know that even in difficult times, goodness does exist. You’ll learn that parents […]
season 6 Today, the We Nurture Podcast is all about making your child blossom like a spring flower! We have the added pleasure of being joined by health and beauty coach, Jolene Hart.Jolene speaks about the importance of getting your child into the rhythm of eating with the seasons from an early age. And that […]
Once upon a time, in a green meadow dotted with wildflowers, there was a cozy earthen hollow that went deep into the ground. This is where a family of groundhogs lived. Every morning they climbed out of their hollow and ate handfuls of yellow dandelions and red clover. But it was not enough food for little groundhog because he was always hungry. So the family scurried to Farmer John’s compost pile to look for good food to eat.
season 6 Today on Seasonal Thursday, I’ll discuss how to create spring rituals as a way to refresh, restore, and reconnect. Spring is known as a time for an evaluation of what we should keep and let go of, mindfully connecting to areas in our life that need focus. I’ll explore how these rituals are […]
There was once a little bunny rabbit named Billy who lived in a burrow with his mommy, daddy and brothers and sisters. The burrow was very snug for the bunny family and as the baby brothers and sisters began to grow bigger, it became rather squashy. Billy was the youngest and the smallest of the family and he found it most squashy of all. One day Billy had an idea that would keep him from being squashed all the time.
season 6 Have you ever noticed changes within you as seasons change? Well, your child feels those changes too! Today is Seasonal Thursday on the We Nurture Podcast and I am talking about changes in your child during Spring. First off I’ll discuss how spring affects children’s movements and growth. I also delve into how […]
season 6 Join me in the first episode of season 6 as I talk about how you can resolve conflict of needs (your’s and your child’s) through understanding and connection. The focus of this episode will be on parenting with loving kindness instead of fear, fear that is communicated through threats. When you parent with […]
Playlist / About the Author: Christy Klincewicz “This is my 20th year as a Waldorf Early Childhood Educator. My early experiences of exploring the wonder and beauty of the natural world and the reverent moments created by lighted candles on the Christmas tree and ringing a bell to invite the angels in, have shaped me […]
season 5 Parenting is hard and there are times when you really don’t know what the best decision to make is, especially on those days when your child’s behavior challenges you the most. Today on Q&A Friday, we discuss a challenge that every parent is bound to face on a regular basis: choosing your parenting […]
By Chinyelu Kunz / in this article 01. The importance of nurturing all the senses in a child’s development 02. Creating environments that support your child’s sensory development 03. The importance of respecting your child’s pace of development Sense of Touch Are you able to have natural fibers – such as cotton, wool, linen – […]
season 5 Merely teaching your child to say “thank you” will not awaken in them a real inner feeling of thankfulness. How then do we, as parents, facilitate the profound heart-opening experience of gratitude? Today on Mindful Monday, we talk about mindful ways to nurture the practice of gratitude in your home. Feigning gratitude will […]
season 5 As we transition from autumn into winter, we once again experience changes in nature that draw us toward the mood of the season. It’s a time when we can start to think of simple ways to brighten our homes and cleanse the air with natural scents. Today on Seasonal Thursday, we share four […]
Tumbleweed is a fairy with no wings but she’s able to fly with her loyal pet Raven. In the autumn, Tumbleweed and her friend Primrose gather all Mother Earth’s root children and help them into their nighties and beds for a long winter’s sleep. Then one little root child discovers that Pasha, the littlest root child is not in his bed and the search begins.
season 5 Thank you for joining us for Seasonal Thursday! One todays episode, I’ll be offering information and inspiration for ways to deepen your child’s experience of autumn. I’ll be sharing some amazing recipes to make this fall with your family as well as some simple activities to do with your family that will deepen […]
season 5 Thanks for joining us on Q & A Friday! Today’s question is “What’s behind Angry outbursts and how to repair with your child.” The habits that we develop in childhood become cellular memory, and this cellular memory then becomes a part of who we are. Our habits quite literally live in our cells, […]