What if you could stop questioning your parenting decisions & finally start feeling empowered and confident?

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I see you…

You’re giving it your all, it's not easy and some days leave you wondering if you’re doing it all wrong. 

I see you when your child is still having huge tantrums despite you implementing everything you’ve learned about gentle parenting.

I see you putting in the incredibly hard work of breaking unhealthy patterns from your own childhood because you are determined not to repeat them with your children.

I see you doing your absolute best even in the midst of tantrums, sibling conflict, boundary testing, dysregulation, and power struggles. 

Parenting is a journey that will ebb and flow, but what if you ended more days saying “I can really do this” instead of “Today was really tough again”.  

What if you could finally feel confident about how you are raising your children? What if you had the tools to improve your family's life now and forever? You only get to raise your child once, your child only gets one childhood, doing it the best you can is priceless.

You’ve done the Google searching, followed parenting experts on Instagram, and maybe even listened to an episode or two of a parenting podcast. You feel like you’re doing “all the things”

here's the thing

“Why aren’t the boundaries I set working?”
“Why is my child still having daily tantrums?”
“What should I do when my child tries to hit me?”
“Why doesn't my child listen to me?”
“Why is my child acting out all of a sudden?”
“How can I avoid power struggles with my child?”


Imagine finally having the support to succeed in parenting without the uncertainty of wondering if you are doing it all wrong?

can you imagine?

You’d say goodbye to late-night Google searching or scrolling through endless parenting advice reels on Instagram. You’d know exactly where to turn for advice on how to solve difficult behaviors in your child such as anger, aggression, daily tantrums, sibling conflict, dysregulation, boundary testing, power struggles, and any other challenging behaviors you might be struggling with.

You’d no longer feel like you are failing or ruining your child. You wouldn’t feel constantly burnt out, unsupported, lonely and exhausted.

You’d finally have the tools to break unhealthy patterns started in your own childhood like yelling, spanking, or stonewalling.

You’d know exactly what you need to implement to create a strong foundation for your family which would allow you to create a better home life for you and your children.

That would be amazing right? Let me paint the picture

If you're ready to finally feel supported on your parenting journey, I have something for you…


The Nurturing Circle
A Waldorf-Inspired Parenting Community

A membership for parents of young children who are ready to transform their parenting journey

Here’s what you're going to get inside The Nurturing Circle

let's break it down

Digital Magazine

more resources

Get our magazine delivered to your inbox seasonally beginning this fall. Each issue is full of parenting articles, resources, tips, journal prompts, behavior-decoding checklists, affirmations, and more to support you in parenthood.

Live Coaching Calls

live calls

Join Group Coaching calls with parenting expert Chinyelu to receive further 1:1 coaching. Asking your questions live allows you the opportunity to explain in more detail, and express how you are feeling. Plus you’ll be able to listen to other parents' struggles and challenges.

Letters to Chinyelu

discussion circle

Receive 1:1 support from parenting expert Chinyelu so that you can always get the answers you need to overcome your unique parenting challenges. 





Smartphone App

Easy access to the community 24/7. Expert support and guidance in your back pocket.

Discount Codes

Exclusive discounts on everything we launch included 1:1 parenting coaching sessions and mini-courses

The Library

A collection of parenting resources curated by Chinyelu for parents of young children


Feel supported by like minded parents who understand what you are going through and want to connect.

Group Challenges

Join our themed challenges to help you grow your self-awareness as a parent, and to make space to connect with your children in ways that lead to building a stronger bond.

Private Podcast

Learn from other parenting experts in our seasonally released interviews on specific topics including sleep, and how to stop yelling. Add knowledge to your parenting toolkit and feel more confident in your parenting skills.

coming this fall

Her guidance was always just the help I needed as I hit various bumps on my parenting journey. Along the way, she has always made me feel supported and validated in my struggles. Chinyelu is a gem who’s filled with deep parenting wisdom. I will forever be grateful for the role she has played in my family’s life.”

"There is no way I could have navigated all the challenges of parenthood as the mom of three young children without the guidance of Chinyelu.

- Courtney, mom of 3

The end result: You finally feel supported and confident in your parenting as you’ll have the tools to overcome your parenting challenges and create a foundation for your family to thrive.

The Nurturing Circle is the only one of its kind because it combines 1:1 support with resources to help you grow, and learn as a parent, all based on a Waldorf-inspired approach.

Here's how it works

Community Support

Feel supported by parents in the community who understand what you are going through and are ready to hear your struggles and share their experiences, helping you feel less alone in parenthood. 

Letters to Chinyelu 

Get 1:1 parenting support in the Letters to Chinyelu Discussion Circle so that you can feel confident and supported each day of your parenting journey.

no 2. discussion circle

no 1. discussion circle

How Does This Sound?

Feel supported by like-minded parents who truly get you 

after joining the nurturing circle you will...

Know exactly where to turn for actionable parenting advice that you can implement immediately to address difficult behaviors you are struggling with currently.


Feel empowered and confident on your parenting journey as you’ll finally have the tools to help your family thrive.


Have the expert guidance and support to succeed in parenting so that you can let go of the uncertainty of wondering if you are doing it all wrong


Break unhealthy patterns that began in your own childhood like yelling and spanking


Feel supported by like-minded parents who truly get you 


Have the expert guidance and support to succeed in parenting so that you can let go of the uncertainty of wondering if you are doing it all wrong

Know exactly where to turn for actionable parenting advice that you can implement immediately to address difficult behaviors you are struggling with currently.

Feel empowered and confident on your parenting journey as you’ll finally have the tools to help your family thrive.

Break unhealthy patterns that began in your own childhood like yelling and spanking

Are you ready to be supported in your parenting journey?

Annual Plan

Monthly Plan

join now

$240 billed annually

$25 billed every month

Letters to Chinyelu [Discussion Circle]

Live Coaching Calls

Expert Interviews

Resource library

Digital Magazine

Community of like-minded parents

Group Challenges

Smartphone app

Exclusive Discount codes

join now

Letters to Chinyelu [Discussion Circle]

Live Coaching Calls

Expert Interviews

Resource library

Digital Magazine

Community of like-minded parents

Group Challenges

Smartphone app

Exclusive Discount codes

Seasonal Plan

$70 billed every 3 months

join now

Letters to Chinyelu [Discussion Circle]

Live Coaching Calls

Expert Interviews

Resource library

Digital Magazine

Community of like-minded parents

Group Challenges

Smartphone app

Exclusive Discount codes


Risk Free

Cancel at Any Time

There’s literally no risk in joining The Nurturing Circle because you can cancel at any time! 

If you are on the fence and aren’t sure if this is the right investment for you, I want to give you every opportunity to feel supported in parenting.

This is why I am happy to refund canceled memberships upon request if within our stated cancellation policy: 7 days for Monthly memberships, 14 days for Seasonal memberships, and 30 days for Annual memberships.

Join The Nurturing Circle for up to 30 Days & get your money back if it's not the right fit

I’m Chinyelu and I can’t wait to guide you through overcoming your parenting challenges so that parenting can finally feel joyful and your family can thrive.

After working in the classroom as a Waldorf preschool teacher for 16 years, and raising 3 of my own children, I’ve discovered the exact approach to raising children without the burnout, exhaustion, and stress. 

I can’t wait for you to get inside The Nurturing Circle so that you can begin the steps that will be your next, more confident, more joyful chapter of parenting. 

I’ll see you inside!

With love,

How much time will I need to set aside?

How much time will I need to set aside?

Have a question before joining?

There isn't a set time commitment for members in The Nurturing Circle. Depending on how much 1:1 support you need I’d recommend setting aside 30 minutes a week to post your questions and engage with the community and because I know just how busy life is, you can also choose to go at your own pace. When you need specific support from PDF’s or Checklists or are participating in challenges (which are totally optional by the way) you might need to set aside a little extra time and remember, there’s no pressure. Everything in the membership is made to be integrated into your parenting journey and implemented right away or when you are ready! So don't let it become a big pressure looming over you, adding to your mental to-do list. Something that makes it even less time consuming is the free smartphone app. I recommend downloading the app so you can pop in and out when you have a free moment. Just pop in briefly whenever you have time and you’ll stay updated with all the happenings in the community!

Will I have access to everything right when I join?

Will I have access to everything right when I join?

You will have instant access to Letters to Chinyelu, the Q&A discussion circle where you can ask your parenting questions. You’ll also have instant access to the digital downloads, recorded group live coaching calls, and seasonal interviews as they come out. 

What if I join and it’s not for me?

What if I join and it’s not for me?

If you join and decide the community isn't for you, no worries! You can cancel at any time. I am happy to refund canceled memberships upon request if within our stated cancellation policy: 7 days for Monthly memberships, 14 days for Seasonal memberships, and 30 days for Annual memberships

What is the difference between The Nurturing Circle and a free mom’s group on Facebook?

What is the difference between The Nurturing Circle and a free mom’s group on Facebook?

The Nurturing Circle is so much more than your typical moms facebook group. The Nurturing Circle is a transformative place for parents to feel supported, connect, learn, and grow. Here are just a few of the reasons why The Nurturing Circle is extra special:

1:1 Support: you will have consistent access to parenting expert Chinyelu who is ready to guide you through any unique challenge you might be experiencing so that you can overcome them with confidence and clarity.

Live Coaching: Join Group Coaching calls led by Chinyelu and delve even deeper into the parenting challenges you might be facing. Feel supported by Chinyelu and feel in community with fellow members in a live setting.

Parenting Resources: You will have access to our growing library of parenting resources including book recommendations, articles, videos, PDF’s, checklists, and more.

Connection and Community: Connect with like-minded parents who understand what you are going through.

I don’t know anything about Waldorf, can I still join?

I don’t know anything about Waldorf, can I still join?

Absolutely, all are welcome! I have coached parents who are in a Waldorf community and parents who know nothing about the Waldorf approach. My perspective is based on the Waldorf approach but can be implemented by anybody who it resonates with. 

Can’t I just get this information from books, google, or instagram?

Can’t I just get this information from books, google, or instagram?

You can absolutely find parenting information for free throughout the internet, but think about it this way. You could either spend hours going down the internet rabbit hole just to find vague tips that you have most likely tried before but haven't been specific enough to your situation for them to work. As we all know, having children leaves you with little free time. Why spend the small amount of free time you do have scouring the internet for the right advice only to try it, not see results, and have to return to square one? 

Instead, you could have direct access to a parenting expert who can help you with your exact situation while also learning the steps to create a holistic home life that nurtures your children so that you can have a more peaceful, less chaotic home life with fewer challenging days. 

I have a 6-year-old, is this membership for me?

I have a 6-year-old, is this membership for me?

Absolutely! My experience and expertise lies in children 7 years old and under. So much happens in the 6th year of childhood and I am here to support your family through it. 

How is the information delivered?

How is the information delivered?

Information is delivered in a variety of ways including written, video, live calls, as well as digital downloads such as PDFs, and workbooks. All of the information is available online in our membership portal plus you can also download our app and have the entire membership available right on your phone! 

What can I expect to learn in this community?

What can I expect to learn in this community?

By actively engaging in the community and with the course content, you can expect to learn how to transform how you parent. By asking your parenting questions in Letters to Chinyelu Q & A circle, and Live Group Coaching calls, you can expect to get the answers to your parenting questions so that you can solve the challenges you are currently facing. As an ongoing member, you’ll be able to update Chinyelu on how it’s going and ask more questions as they come up. 
You’ll also have the opportunity to learn from your fellow members as you’ll hear what they are currently struggling with and this is a space where you will feel less alone. 

What if I don’t have any parenting questions to ask?

What if I don’t have any parenting questions to ask?

No problem! The community will still be beneficial for you as you’ll be able to read through Q&A’s with other parents, participate in the challenges, learn from the digital downloads, and connect with like-minded parents. There are so many different aspects to the community so you are more than welcome to choose to engage with what serves you most.

What are Chinyelu’s qualifications?

What are Chinyelu’s qualifications?

After falling in love with Waldorf Education while living in Orange County California, I went on to earn my LifeWays North America training certificate in Child Development, and my Waldorf Early Childhood teaching certificate. I’ve attended countless conferences and seminars on child development in the early years as well as an international Waldorf early childhood conference in Switzerland. In 2004, my family relocated to Pennsylvania where I was fortunate enough to become the lead teacher of the preschool program at Kimberton Waldorf School. Here, I gained more hands-on experience guiding children with various challenges and unique personalities. I learned the importance of meeting each child where they were in their development and supporting them to create harmonious days which fostered happy and well-adjusted children. Working in an early childhood classroom for an additional 16 years at Kimberton Waldorf school allowed me to understand the huge range of parenting challenges, as I truly saw it all. 

I also have three children of my own that I raised using the approach that I now teach. This allowed parenting to truly be an amazing experience for both me and my children. Parenting was not draining, challenges were few and I fully embraced the principles I learned from Waldorf to create harmonious and joy-filled days with my little ones. It’s my mission to help other parents create this kind of homelife for their family’s. 

What is the Waldorf-inspired approach to parenting?

What is the Waldorf-inspired approach to parenting?

The aim of a Waldorf-inspired parenting approach is the act of striving to live more consciously and at the center of this striving, choosing to take the path of inner development which plays a valuable role in becoming more conscious of how we are choosing to parent our children. Some key areas that are important to strive for in this parenting approach are;

Being conscious of our words, actions, and gestures.
Working on self-development.
Working on our own issues and triggers.
Modeling behavior that we want to see in our children.
Creating healthy home rhythms.
Slowing down and simplifying daily life.
Showing compassion and empathy.
Understanding & accepting our children as individuals.
Aligning our thoughts, words, and actions, essentially being authentic.
Speaking to our children with respect.
Being intentional about our choices and decisions.
Making space for our children to express emotions while feeling safe.

The Nurturing Circle is perfect for you if…

You’re a parent with a child or children 7 and younger

You are interested in parenting your children in a Waldorf-Inspired way

You sometimes struggle with parenting and have questions but don’t know where to turn for help.

You can’t always afford the high price tag of a 1:1 coaching session but still want access to a parenting expert so you can ask questions specific to your unique struggles.

You are interested in creating a holistic home-life for your children that will make parenting feel joyful and not exhausting.

You want to engage with other parents of young children who understand what you’re going through.

Don’t let another year go by before you…

Experience parenthood as effortless and joyful every day

Learn how to let go of burnout and frustration

Connect with like-minded parents who understand your struggle

Find a solution to the parenting struggles that have you pulling your hair out

Break the unhealthy patterns that started in your childhood like yelling

Build a stronger bond with your child 

Annual Plan

Monthly Plan

join now

$240 billed annually

$25 billed every month

Letters to Chinyelu [Discussion Circle]

Live Coaching Calls

Expert Interviews

Resource library

Digital Magazine

Community of like-minded parents

Group Challenges

Smartphone app

Exclusive Discount codes

join now

Letters to Chinyelu [Discussion Circle]

Live Coaching Calls

Expert Interviews

Resource library

Digital Magazine

Community of like-minded parents

Group Challenges

Smartphone app

Exclusive Discount codes

Seasonal Plan

$70 billed every 3 months

join now

Letters to Chinyelu [Discussion Circle]

Live Coaching Calls

Expert Interviews

Resource library

Digital Magazine

Community of like-minded parents

Group Challenges

Smartphone app

Exclusive Discount codes

Say goodbye to feeling like you are failing, burnt out, unsupported, lonely, and exhausted.

Join the Nurturing Circle today!