#86 Mother Earth’s Story

by Wendalyn von Meyenfeldt

Winter is coming! Mother Earth calls her children for now it’s time to rest. Brother Wind leads her children to warm and cozy nests that Mother Earth has prepared for each one.

We recommend this story for ages 3 – 7

/ About the Author: Wendalyn von Meyenfeldt

Wendalyn von Meyenfeldt has taught children’s artistic movement classes (Eurythmy) for many years on the West Coast of Canada.

Years ago, while teaching in a Waldorf Kindergarten in California, she fell under the spell of ‘dancing stories’ in her circle-times with the children.

Wendalyn teaches in several Canadian Waldorf teacher-training institutions. When not harvesting apples and pears on her rural property, or stirring up a batch of blackberry jam, she continues to write children’s stories and poetry.