A Nourishing Foot Bath Ritual for Winter

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Chinyelu Kunz

Making time and space for self-care enables you to nurture yourself and gives you the energy you need to care for your children with more presence. Use foot baths for special story times with your child. Make a foot bath for yourself and your child and enjoy a nourishing experience while reading a story to them or make it a special ritual just for you. For your child, it will become a treasured time and at the same time you will teach them the value of self-care. A foot bath that you create just for you, is a time to connect with yourself for special alone time.

Foot baths are simple to do and they don’t take much time to set up. I love them because they are both nurturing and nourishing and can help to bring both adult and child into balance. They make us slow down to experience the profound benefits of being present which is relaxing and calming.

With a foot bath, you’ll ease feelings of anxiety resulting from sensory overwhelm while being nurtured in a rich sensory experience that is grounding. When you soak your feet in a bath of warm water, not only does it soothe your body it’s also a relaxing experience. Soaking your feet in warm water for 15 to 20 minutes can lift your mood and boost your energy. Foot baths are excellent to do during the winter season as they are healing especially when you have a cold or are fighting the flu. Because all of our body is connected in our feet it only makes sense to offer ourselves foot baths as they help to sustain our overall wellbeing.

What youll need to create a nourishing foot bath experience at home

  • 2 bath towels per person
  • 1 tub of very warm water per person (adjust warmth to individual comfort level)
  • 1 chair per person to sit on that allows for both feet to be submerged
  • 1 cap full per tub of Dr. Hauschka Moore Lavender Bath Essence or use 2 drops of Organic lavender essential oil
  • Socks


Double fold the first bath towel and place on the floor. Avoid placing on a carpeted surface if possible. Once ready, place the tub of warm water on top of the towel

Pour one cap full of the bath essence into the warm water and while gently doing a figure 8 with one hand, mix the essence into the water)

    Place the chair in front of the tub (make sure your child can submerge their feet all the way in the tub without dangling)

    Submerge both feet into the tub and soak for 15 to 20 minutes

    Optional – add a sprinkling of dried lavender buds or dried rose petals to the water

    When foot bath is done, use the second towel to dry feet off. Immediately put on socks to hold in the warmth and keep feet warm

    Optional – After feet have been dried with the towel, rub a drop or two of Dr. Hauschka Moore Lavender Body Oil on each foot before putting socks on.

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